is an Institution of Research and Training in
the system of Rajayoga propounded by
Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj
of Shahjahanpur. Sri Ramchandraji revolutionalized
the system of Rajayoga by:
Developing meditational
methods on Specific
points in the human frame to achieve mainly
control/ moderation in life in general, and
over the basic instincts in particular.
So far the practice of Raja
Yoga was considered as possible only to renouncers
/ sanyasins. The Greatest Service of Sri Ramchandraji
Maharaj of Shahjahanpur is to have thrown open
the system of Rajayoga to the vast humanity irrespective
of caste, creed, sex, race and religion. This
has become possible because of his discoveries
of meditation on points
A and B located in the chest region, which
help in controlling and moderating Anger and Passion.
The Institute "Imperience"
provides training for people interested in learning
and practicing this new system of Rajayoga.
In view of the global importance
in moderating the expressions of the basic instincts
of Anger and Passion the Research
work proposed by Imperience finds relevance and
Spiritual research work in this
direction has been done earlier by the associates
of Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj: Pujya.
Eswar Sahai and Pujya.
Dr. K.C. Varadachari.
Academic research however has
been done on the subject and a few Doctorates
in Philosophy were awarded by Universities.
A scientific study of the Principles
and Practices of Pranahuti, meditation on points
A and B and on the various Psychic
Knots located in the human frame is the extent
and scope of the studies of this Institute. |