Imperience - Centre for Research and Training in P.A.M
God is constantly with us and ready to take us up at the slightest sign on our part of accepting Him.

God is constantly with us and ready to take us up at the slightest sign on our part of accepting Him.

Sri. AVS Pawan Kumar


My Dear Brothers and Sisters on the Natural Path,



1. Today is a very auspicious occasion where we have all gathered here to imperience his unending grace and the feeling of his constant support for our journey on the Natural path.


2. The topic of today’s seminar is taken from Dr KCV works Volume 1 from the Twelfth talk on Discourses on The Philosophy of Sri Ram Chandra’s Rajayoga.

3. This is a very charged lecture, which bases itself on the very basic tenets of the philosophy of our great Master. This particular message elucidates the Role of the abhyasi with special reference to Surrender and Devotion, practicing the method of PAM bestowed to us by the Great Master.


4.     The topic of the Seminar today “God is constantly with us and ready to take us up at the slightest sign on our part of accepting Him “.


5.    This sentence is preceded by “Now all these things show that”. This leads us to the questions we ask ourselves that:

       (a)   What are all these things which show our Great Master is with us?

(b)       What are the Signs Rev Dr KCV mentions? 

6. Rev Dr KCV begins in his lecture with the most important factor in worship i.e. Surrender which develops into Devotion. The importance of surrender to the Master in all planes of existence –The physical, vital, mental and spiritual has been explained. These aspects, for us practicants of PAM, mean: 

(a)  Moulding our physical self to move in His consciousness, Reflect His consciousness. This means to me - rising before Dawn, having proper posture, having satvic food habits, external conduct. This helps us in regularity in Sadhana.

(b)   In the Vital level – As an abhyasi one must deliberately regulate the gross tendencies of the lower mind and develop them to a subtler state. This happens when we take regular individual sittings and attend satsanghs and Bhandharas where the influx of pranahuti ensures that our desires, wishes and cravings of non-divine character are gradually and steadily controlled. This has been proved in many cases beyond doubt.


(c)   In the mental level - The wavering tendencies of the mind need to be checked and allow the Higher Centres to exercise control over the Lower Ones. Then only, wandering habits of the mind get slowly regulated in a natural manner and its purity restored gradually. This begins with the Morning Meditation specially Point B Meditation and 9 PM prayer.

(d)   The Spiritual Level. The development of spiritual faculties should take place. We must own up our condition and simultaneously build up and practice Godly attributes like Universal Love, Fraternity, Compassion, Sharing, Service etc. Physical discipline gets graduated to the Spiritual Discipline, the latter helping us to follow The Natural Path spontaneously.   I must confess that the spiritual discipline is much more tough and difficult than the Military Discipline.


7.    These traits develop only through sincere and dedicated self effort in the Sadhana of the Meditational Practices as well as the Master’s support with Transmission. Absorption in Sri Ramchandra Consciousness grows and one is constantly in His Remembrance.   In conjunction with the offer of Pranahuti under the System of PAM with our Spiritual Guide at its helm, we feel the flow the Master’s Grace on a day-to-day basis. It is with greatest humility that I express my gratitude to our Spiritual Guide and gratefully acknowledge the imperience of the flow of Sri Ramchandra consciousness through me at every stage of yielding, though surrender in real sense may still be far off, even in my elementary state of progress. It must be really awesome and most spectacular at higher stages as is being felt by senior and advanced trainers and abhyasis. My respectful Pranams to all such great souls.


8.    Many people tend to superficially think that they are surrendering to the Master which leads to limited results. In my opinion, they may be just surrendering to their name, fame image and honour. It is important that one should exercise proper viveka to analyse oneself and his actions and avoid falling into such traps. However, we must remember that total surrender will be achieved and completed by the Master Himself only through his grace.


9. This leads us to the reaffirmed faith in the Master and our system of Natural path that by assiduously following the practices laid down and the Ten Commandments we are doing our part and by lifting us up to Him the master is doing His.


10.   We are a part and parcel of the divine, the Ultimate, the Origin and for us The Master, the Highest and Subtlest state of Superconsciousness. We have by our own actions separated ourselves from Him and started our self-creation and started refusing participation in His creation. In a way, we have become anti-God by our behaviour and conduct! That is why our  Saint of the Order, Rev Dr KCV  rightly feels that Realisation truly means  “discovering one’s own oneness with the God”, our Master.  This is our Goal of Life. We have to shatter all our past superfluous belief systems, rituals and superstitious actions without any fear or hesitation. Only faith in the Master and confidence on oneself can help us overcome these. As we carry out our Sadhana and follow the Ten Commandments, one can for himself see the development of many of the divine attributes and transformation of oneself into a Real Man. This, then, becomes an indication in itself of discovering and feeling the presence of the Master in us. One begins to act perfectly in tune with the Nature and is ever in a state of Contentment and Calmness.


11. The continuous support of the Master comes to us to strengthen our individual efforts and quicken the pace of progress at every stage. These help remove many of the impediments that separate us from Him so that one is constantly pulled up by His Grace. Many of the samskaras are burnt or brought to fruition through the Flame of Devotion of the devotee himself. His grace comes to us in several ways through this unique process of Transmission. During the individual sittings and Satsanghs, we feel the presence of the Master. This shows the Reality of He being in us all the time. As a follower of the Natural Path, we are ever indebted to the Master and our Spiritual Guide for blessing us with such a state.


12.  We as abhyasis must on our part have the firm Conviction on the support of the master and make efforts on our parts to transform ourselves to be in tune with nature. We must have the determination to Reach Him come what may, the willingness to throw out past beliefs and systems and to follow the natural path with earnestness and cooperation to mould oneself with the spiritual guide and trainers.


13.  Apart from having unflinching faith in Him, we must do sincere and dedicated practice of all meditational practices especially on points A and B. We must develop regularity and dynamism in our Sadhana and not make it ritualistic.


14.  We must make prayer a dynamic means to restore the connection with the Master. In addition we must develop prayer as an instrument to constant remembrance and surrender in a state of helplessness.


15.  These are as per my view some actions on our part as a practicants of PAM; signal the signs of accepting the Master.  The surest sign is the total and unconditional yielding to His Will and the firm conviction that He will lead us to Him.


16.  Ever readiness of the Master to extend a helping hand to the abhyasi is unbelievably universal in nature and beyond the human conception. One has to just Seek him from any level, state or condition- low or high, He responds with parental affection and His grace starts flowing into our hearts.  


17.   We are all fortunate to be part of a Spiritual Saga by our great Master.
Each one of us must look up to Him alone with dedicated self effort. His Grace is
certainly bestowed on us. It is unfailing and sure means of success of reaching our Goal. The support of our Spiritual Guide is always with us provided we also reciprocate and put in our best not only in transforming ourselves but fulfilling our individual role in the Overall Scheme.


Pranams to the holy feet of the Master.