Abhyasi Name: Sri.
Bharath Ramanathan
Abhyasi ID : 740
First, I would like to thank Rev. KCN sir & the
Imperience for giving me an opportunity to attend
this program.
It was a learning experience for me. Before I
started to this program, the predominant thought was
that whatever benefits that I get out of these 3
days, I should carry them further & progress in
Sadhana. The predominant feeling was a sort of
impatience to attend this program.
The Manasarovar program commenced on Friday, the
29th September 2006. We were provided with raw
vegetables & fruits for the 3 days, no cooked food.
It took more than a day for me to get settled. Felt
severe headaches towards the end of the day, for the
first 2 days. I felt that this may be because of the
change in the diet. But I never felt hunger & urge
to talk for these 3 days. I had dreams on all the 3
days as mentioned below.
o About my office colleagues to whom I was attached
o Sexual dream
o Seeing an accident in front of me. I was in a
state of shock during that time.
During this program, I could identify the following
deficiencies in me which hinder my progress.
o Trying to judge others most of the time. Used to
criticize others for their wrong doings,
particularly in their absence. Many times, I felt
helpless to come out of this problem because I was
unable to keep my mouth shut. Easily I get provoked
to unnecessary talks.
o Expecting praise for what I do.
o Wanting to do better than others. This is because
of comparison of my spiritual progress with others.
o I always felt that I am not expressing my true
nature by trying to be humble thereby not hurting
anyone & also getting a good name. I was also
reminded by the words of Rev. KCN sir “HUMBLENESS IS
the talk Craving of the Soul.
The following were the positive thoughts that came
to my mind during the 3 days.
o Accepting whatever difficulties that comes in life
as gifts from God.
o To use our thought for the betterment of others
i.e., if we find any defect in the other person, we
should pray for the removal of the same.
During the first 2 days, I felt the chattering of my
mind most of the time. There were irrelevant
thoughts such as hearing to cinema songs, devotional
songs, sexual thoughts & some absurd thoughts which
I do not remember. There were also moments of
During the 3rd day, the thoughts were mostly goal
oriented such as yielding to the Master & about the
commandments of the Master. At that time, I felt
very determined to get rid of my defects & progress
faster. Felt silence towards the afternoon. At this
point of time, I did not want to leave that place &
wanted to stay for some more time.
I am now determined to expand the benefits I have
gained in this program by the Grace of the Master.