M A N A S A R O V A R R E P O R T S |
10-12 Oct 08, Narasingapuram.
Report submitted by Dr. B.S. Murty |
Report on Manasa Sarovar
Programme held during October 10-12, 2008
by B.S. Murty, Chennai
My humble Pranams to Pujya Sir.
When I completed the 3-day Manasa Sarovar Programme,
it was quite difficult for me to break the silence.
That state was so pleasing and enjoyable (I do not
know whether these are the right words to explain)
that I wanted to remain like that as long as I can.
When I was asked to explain about it, my feeling was
“what is there to talk”. By talking, I would be
disturbing the silence within. The imperience is
beyond words and beyond senses. When I want to talk
about it, I need to dress it up in a way that the
senses can comprehend. Any dressing up would hide
the truth (true imperience) or distort it.
Now I would go 4 days back words to the previous day
of the programme. On 9th morning, I just returned
from Ooty with family, a pleasure seeking trip for
the senses. From there to the mango grove was a 180
degrees out of phase experience. The moment I gave
handed over the mobile phone to sister Bargavi, I
got physically detached to my daily world.
The moment my mouth got shut, the inner world came
out with all its noise. I remembered the words of
brother Ramprasad. He told us “Sir told me that
meditation sessions are not sessions of brooding”.
Now the cleaning and prayer for cleaning has
started. Interestingly, all my thoughts are about
the projects that I am handling and those I have to
start working on, the meetings and conferences that
I need to organize in the next one month, my
students and their PhDs and not my family. This told
me where my attachments are. Sir’s story of fisher
woman trying to sleep in the house of a woman who
sells flowers assumed significance. Whatever nice
environment, external silence that is provided,
until the inner noise subsides, we will not be able
to enjoy the silence.
I started analysing, what is “noise”? The following
thoughts emerged out.
Nature has certain characteristics and certain
frequency of vibrations. If our thoughts are in
phase with that frequency, then there is no noise,
i.e., if our thoughts reflect the nature of the
inner being (divinity). When the thoughts are not in
tune with our original nature, it leads to noise.
This automatically brings out the fact that silence
is the natural state of our being. Noise is like the
clouds in the night clear sky that I see above my
head. The only way to get rid of the noise is
through cleaning, which will remove all the clouds,
like the wind does, and reveals the inner silence,
which is the clear sky, the Chit Lake. The noise is
only the waves in the Chit Lake. With the waves on,
the true nature of divine reflection in it is not
By the first day evening the cleaning could
culminate into the silence. I felt a kind of vacuum
in me. I felt so light that I felt like a subatomic
particle in tune with the nature around me. That is
when I could feel that the vibrations that I feel in
me are there all around me, within the small ant in
front of me, the small grass plant to the big mango
tree, which is giving me the shade. I felt that I am
one with this nature and that there is no difference
between me and this nature around me. This union
looked so natural to me and the remaining two and
half days were spent in enjoying this union, which
was so blissful. I could see brightness within me
and everywhere else. I had a glimpse of this during
some meditation sessions earlier and during some
sittings with Sir, but never for this long.
Probably this is what Buddha has felt under the
Bodhi tree, which is being felt by me below this
mango tree (Sir, I request you not to treat this as
arrogance. I am saying these words with all my
humility but with the confidence that this
imperience has given me). I now understand why the
Yogis used to prefer seclusion.
It is not that there is no external noise here. I
can hear the loud speakers, the train sound, the
occasional motor bike sounds, the sound of the
factory mills, the voice of the birds and that
created by the trees with the breeze. However, all
of these have no more become any barrier to my inner
silence and bliss. This is when I remembered the
saying of Ramakrishna Paramahansa. “You are like
milk and when you mix with water, you can not
differentiate. When you convert this milk to butter
and put into the water, you can stay unattached to
the water”.
Now I could feel the concept of Mansa Sarovar
Programme. It provides an environment for us to go
inwards, provided you have set your goal as oneness
with divinity. If one has not set this goal, he
would definitely like to run away from this
programme. We are highly indebted to Master that he
has given not only this opportunity but also has put
the seed of this goal into us that we could enjoy
this programme thoroughly.
I also had a number of lessons from the smallest to
the biggest parts of the nature around me.
I saw a small ant that carried almost 10 times its
weight untiringly for a long distance and offloaded
it on to a bigger ant when it could not carry it
further. I could feel the concept of surrender in
this event.
I saw at least five different sizes of ants and from
small grass plant to big mango tree living together
in harmony. That is when Rabindranath Tagore’s words
rang in my ears “You are in my eyes and so I see you
everywhere”. It is always the state of mind of ours
that gets reflected around us.
I saw the big mango tree, which is fully live and
active in its own way and able to take the hot sun
and heavy rain with equanimity as if teaching me a
I also had a few dreams, particularly, on the last
day night, which looked completely irrelevant and I
felt that they are a part of Bhog that I was
I am now back to the regular external world of mine
and the confidence that this programme has given me
would help me in maintaining this silence to some
extent. As Sir pointed out once “the student who has
got class first once tries to maintain it”. Though
this may not be the right example that I should
give, it expresses my feeling.
with Humble Pranams,