Volume -8
Viśstādvaita - Vision of Unity
Viśstādvaita - Cultural Unity
Philosophy of Rāmānuja
Modern criticism of Philosophy of Rāmānuja
Analysis of Love
Madhura Bhava
Aesthetic Approach to reality
Yoga of Rasa
Yoga of Reality
Life of Śrī Venkatanātha
Rahasya-traya-sāra or Yoga of Slurrender of Śrī Venkatanātha
Paramata Bhanga of Śrī Vedānta Desika
Madhyamika Doctrine
Yogacara system
Sauntantrika Doctrine
Vaibhasika Doctrine
Śrī Vedānta desika on Lokayata Doctrine
Īśāvāsyopanisad Bhasya of Śrī VenkatanāthaBhakti
Kenopanisad Bhasya of Śrī RangaRāmānuja
Prasnopanisad Bhasya of Śrī RangaRāmānuja
Kathopanisad Bhasya of Śrī RangaRāmānuja