Pujya K.C. Varadachari - Home Page
Pujya Dr. K.C. Varadachari - Volume -2
Dr. K.C. Varadachari, an international scholar in comparitive Religion, Ethics and Philosophy, has made an indelible mark in his field. I feel immensely happy to go through his Lecturers on the Indian Approach to comparitive Religion as comprehended by Swamy Vivekananda. He correctiy observes, “. . . .. an approach to the problems of religion which is in the making towards universal upsurgence and emancipation of humanity from the narrow walls which have tended to confine, it from the point of view of Eastern insights has been found necessary to counteract, if not to supplment, the western approaches to them”.
One has to agree when Dr. Varadachari says in his first lecture on “Quest. for Universal Religion”. “As Swamy Vivekananda pointed out, the ideal.of, having one religion and one Church however ecumencial, Cannot be, for the goal seems to be a religion for each individual, and this constitutes unversity. When every individual discovers for himself a religion, that in the direct experience of this Ground or Creator or God, then that religion would be really universal. The transcendental ontact or oneness is what all types of Vedanta assert in their religious or spiritual concern. In the Supreme comprehensiveness of its theism as well as supratheism, Hinduism reveals its realistic and empericistic acceptances of the several way of union with the Divine in manifestation as it is in essence always”. Swamy Vivekananda indeed offered Hinduism in this sense to the World.
The lectures of Dr. Varadachari reflect his deep insight and profound scholarship and great skill in communication.
I am extremely happy to appreciate and write a few lines on this scholastic work. The then Vice-chancellor of the Madras University will be fondly remembered by the Indologists all over and world for being instrumental in bringing out these Lecture series. These Lectures deserves a very detailed study and research and that would be fittest tribute to this scholar whose parallel is difficult to be found in many years to come.

Prof. S.B. Raghunathacharya
Tirupati Director General
Dt. 9/8/1999 Sri Venkateswaral Insitute of
Higher Vedic Studies