K. C. Varadachari, born on 14th August, 1902,
had a distinguished academic career. Having graduated
with a B.A.(Hon.) Degree, securing Gold medal,
he took Ph. D. from the University of Madras in
the year 1932. After occupying several important
positions he ended his active professional life
with the Vivekananda Professorship on comparative
religion, ethics and philosophy at the University
of Madras in 1966.
He has written profusely on the
Visistadvaita system of philosophy of Vedanta,
Sri Aurobindo and later on the System
of Natural Path, the new
system of Raja Yoga propounded by Sri
Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur, U.P.,
India. Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh considered:
"With a disarming simplicity and an effortless
dignity that characterizes his written works Dr.
K. C. Varadachari has consistently and persistently
yoked the services of his philosophical acumen
towards the errors of a purely intellectual approach
of life, and has sought to defend and advance
with adequate persuasion and power the claims
of higher and spiritual values both for the attainment
of deeper philosophical insights into the nature
of the individual, the world and the Ultimate
Reality as also for the perfection and integration
of the individual personality in a scheme of living
that results in the fullest enjoyment of the prizes
of this world and the gifts of the world beyond."
Dr. K. C. Varadachari's talks
on the system of Sri
Ramchandra's Raja Yoga carry a depth of understanding
of the subject and deep concern and commitment
to the persons to whom they were addressed. In
his own words, as recorded in his diary, his understanding
of the system led him to remake himself in a new
way. His approach to the system and the subject
is best expressed by himself.
"Thus I found myself made
to abjure the old theoretical ways of approach.
I had to remake myself in a new way. I had to
take stock of my whole past. All sectarian and
caste conceptions had to be rethought. Philosophies
help bind people to set notions. Thus I was to
meet the challenge of the New.
It happened that I should meet Shri Ram Chandraji.
Firstly his views were clearly different from
my whole past.
The conception of the Ultimate
as Zero was quite against my philosophic inclination.
Having failed with the positive concept it
is time to experiment with this - Is it likely
to be true? The Zero has to be understood
as the Beginning or Origin of all possibilities
being nothing of what it becomes.
The concept of Invertendo
shows how the deformation of evolution is
natural and the power inherent in Zero (Nirguna).
I began understanding the meaning of Vivarta.
All flow necessitates the inversion and it
is natural.
The formations of the descent
are clearly on this principle of inversions.
The vast Brahman extends
up to our knowledge of it. Thus Truth, Consciousness
and Bliss themselves are attributes which
get transcended in higher approaches. Saccidananda
are not the Ultimate Reality, they too being
terms of knowing - Sankara too gets transcended.
The individual is continuous
with the Universal and the Ultimate, and is
not abolished. The Pralaya or mergence is
cosmic and supracosmic and then all are withdrawn
into the Ultimate.
The individual ray of the
Ultimate has created for itself an organic organization
of physical-vital, mental and
supramental centers and organs. These may
well be the knots which have demarcated the
several systems known as the physical, vital,
mental or the bonal, muscular, circulatory,
alimentary, hormonic, nervous, supranervous,
and psychic etc. They have become autonomous
in a sense but have to be opened up for higher
control. This is possible only by bringing
down the highest power of the Centre and not
merely the higher power just above the human.
It is the necessity to mould the lower in
terms of the highest through the higher which
has also to mould itself to receive the highest.
That leads to going beyond Sri Aurobindonian
Vijnana - moulding of the mental, vital and
This is done by means of
the transmission or descent of the highest
consciousness or condition (Zero) itself into
the lowest region of the human heart or the
organism as it is.
The yogic process is this
transmission from the Ultimate which alone
can shape the entire being, of the abhyasi
for the experience and realisation of one's
oneness with the Ultimate and experience it
in one's own physical, vital, mental and supramental
levels - called by Shri Ram Chandraji, the
Pinda, Brahmanda, Para Brahmanda and Central
Regions working under the direct force of
the Centre".
He was Director of the Sahaj Marg Research Institute
started at Tirupati in 1965 and continued in that
capacity till his Maha Samadhi on 31st January
1971. According to Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj he
has attained a state of negation and was in total
mergence with his Master.
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