Imperience - Centre for Research and Training in P.A.M

Everyone endeavours hard for it, but only he whom God ordains is successful


Sri. Prabhakar Chintapalli


Dear brothers, sisters and Rev. guide Sri KC Narayana garu, my humble pranams to you all. This is yet another auspicious occasion we are utilizing to express our gratitude & love towards Master and share our understanding on the topic of the seminar, gained through imperience, in the spirit of Bodhayanthi Parasparam while having the grace of the Master.


The paper initially sets the context around the topic and introduces the aspect of Special Personality and His role in guiding the spiritual destinies of individuals, while referencing the existing material for asserting the same.


The topic is taken from the Master’s message titled ‘First Message’. This is a statement of high order in spiritual arena which I feel I don’t even understand in its completeness. Therefore it is my humble attempt to put together my thoughts with the limited understanding I have gained in this respect. I beg forgiveness for any of the wrong elaborations of this statement presented herein.


In this message Master has clearly outlined a) the method or process (Constant Remembrance, devoted worship of his Master at heart, copying Master’s merging) he has followed that enabled him to attain his state of spiritual elevation b) a brief background on how samskaras are formed c) how a true Master can help d) the essence/significance of 9PM prayer e) Master’s mission.


The topic of the seminar is taken from the following passage of the message:


“Happy be the time that brought forth the present day which promises fulfillment of the Master’s Mission. Everyone endeavours hard for it, but only he whom God ordains is successful……..”. (SDG – page 5)


When we analyse the first sentence in this context, the time that is referred to in the first part is the time of:


a)  The advent of Great Master (for the account of sequence of events, although we do not distinguish between Rev. Lalaji and Rev. Babuji)


Why is it so significant? It is because this is the event that has brought in a new era of spiritual awakening with the descent of Grand Master. He has descended for spiritual regeneration and to revive the long forgotten spiritual science and to bring it again to our practical knowledge and perception.


He is the one who has revived pranahuti and made it available to common man of the present day to enable their spiritual aspirations.


He is the one who has structured a Special Personality for natures work that being overhauling the human consciousness.


He is the one who has provided the possibility of common man with true aspiration reaching the approaches well beyond traditionally known pinnacles.


The present day in the second part refers to:


a)   the time of the event when our Master has been chosen by Nature and the period thereafter when the Special Personality started working for Its purpose


This time is marked with a special spiritual significance that it required a Special Personality at work under the instructions of Nature to overhaul the human consciousness and to lead true seekers through the path to their spiritual destinies with a possibility of reaching the pinnacle in this very life.


Need for Special Personality


Human history has seen the arrival of numerous saints, reformers and teachers who tried to mend the ways of human life and attempted to restore the Order for the upliftment of the people into Divine consciousness. Although some pockets of people might have been benefited by their works for the good of mankind, the task of restoration of the Order at a larger dimension couldn’t be affected by those Saints and the time is too early for an Avatar. This can be well understood that in spite of so many Saints like Ramana Maharshi, Aurobindo, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda and many more such personalities arrival in the last couple of centuries, there hasn’t been any substantial change in the mode of living of the man who seems almost to be condemned to greed, avarice, competition etc with the agitated mind.


Hence it required Divine interference to restore the Order with a greater potentiality and scope to light up the whole world at one time. Nature felt the necessity of the Special Personality and as a result it’s response to this need is structuring of a personality which has surpassed the limitations of self – a personality of Void.


Role of Special Personality:


The Special Personality now emerged for Nature’s work has taken up the task of

·       Overhauling the human consciousness from animal to Divine plane.

·       Cleansing the sky of human consciousness of the diseases of greed, jealousy and avarice.

·       Cleansing the atmosphere of the physical, vital, mental and spiritual impurities.


Our Master


(Recommend the chapter ‘Special Personality’ in Path of Grace for better understanding)


       The Special Personality chosen by nature who is at work currently is our Master Rev. Babuji Maharaj. How our Master has attained this stage can be best stated in his own words. “For myself I may say that since I started practice at the feet of my master, Samarthguru Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Fatehgarh, U.P. I have taken him to be my all, and may this feeling of mine continue forever! It was he who brought me deliverance; so I remained unattached with everyone else…” (PG: 273).


So his sadhana led him to such a state of nothingness that the Divine chose to express itself through him. In order to achieve this state the Special Personality had to efface Himself totally and allow only His consciousness to work. In this example the Divine has made it possible for a human being to transcend these limits and It has expressed itself in all its nobility and grandeur in Rev. Babuji. That is why our Master often used to say “search for me and tell me where I am”. Also in this example the Divine has shown the possibilities of the human consciousness to become synchronous with the Divine. It can be learnt from Master’s writings that it is rarely bestowed except when nature stands in urgent need of drastic change.


“This condition does not fall to anyone’s lot except in rare occasions when Nature wants overhauling of the world or the universe. There can never be two personalities of this category at the same time in the world. There shall be one and only one such personality in the entire universe at a time and that too only when Nature is in need of it.” (PG: 276). Hence it is clear from this that in spite of hard work of many saints and sages of the past they remained short of the mark of the Special Personality as it is He whom God ordains is successful. That is why the sentence that follows in the message says: “Everyone endeavours hard for it, but only he whom God ordains is successful”. Hence there is ONLY one Special Personality currently at work and that is our Master who surpasses all previous ones. As a result all the works/powers entrusted to various saints have been relinquished to our Master as he is the one working for Nature with greater potentiality and scope; the same would be clear from the following quote from the same message:


“You may also be surprised to note that the link of connections which existed so far is now no more, since it has been cut off under Divine directions, and another one has been established in its place which every one has necessarily to come up to.” (SDG – page 8)


Also He being the Special Personality belongs to the whole world for spiritual regeneration which can be readily verified from His message: “I do not belong to India alone, but to the whole world.” (SDG – Love Universal)


The third part refers to fulfillment of the Master’s Mission. Master’s Mission referred to here is the mission of our Grand Master which is:


a)     Structuring the Special Personality to carry on the work of overhauling the human consciousness while presenting a system for common man as means.


In order to fulfill this Mission our Master has brought out a simple & practical system to address the human problem of existence. He not only convinced the people of the need to transform & mould, efficacy of the natural means but also took them successfully along the path up to the highest level. His ever eagerness and readiness to fulfill the mission can be readily understood from the following quote:


“My heart is filled to the brim with love for my associates. Whatever service I am able to render to them, all that does not give me satisfaction. My heart is ever intent and keen to ensure that the largest part of them should achieve atleast my own spiritual condition in the shortest possible period of time. In order to expedite this and to ensure the message reaching the largest number quickly and in good measure, I appointed a large number of preceptors to do the job of awakening the public so that their work can be done, and their character, conduct and behaviour can be remodeled and straightened out”(SDG page 177)


Our role in the Mission


       We are fortunate to come under the fold of our Master in this very life and be part of the mission through active participation. In the same message Master has indicated the significance of 9PM prayer. This is the prayer that directly contributes to the mission of the Master, of overhauling the human consciousness and hence never ends in real sense.


This is the prayer that is open for everyone to participate in the noble cause of fulfilling the mission of the Master. The effectiveness and the extent of reach of this prayer highly depends on the purity and sensitivity level of the individual. Ofcourse individual needs to develop the sensitivity through their sadhana of practicing the meditational practices advised and taking the assistance through pranahuti. As a result of increased levels of purity in an abhyasi the will develops into that of special WILL. This WILL then becomes the chief instrument for this prayer. As disciples of Master, let us be bold enough to make these efforts sincerely and seriously.




       I would like to conclude the paper with the following quotes from Master’s messages, which reemphsises the urge of the Master to fulfill Master’s mission. The one from message ‘Tasteless taste of mergence’


“We should have good heart for all human beings. Then the Power will run to them automatically. I think this is the first step of spiritual regeneration. The edifice of spirituality is to be erected on this foundation. When you have a mind to do the work for the good of humanity, you will naturally get it. But our duty is to educate the minds of the people so that they may take the right step. If you do something good to humanity, it is not desire but duty. I have got such a broad heart given by the Master that I want to cover all humanity. The helping hand of my Master is at back.”


Another one from message ‘Longing for Reality’


“We should do our duty to uplift the mankind not minding whether they are doing their duty towards us properly. I believe that it is the highest moral which we should achieve though with some troubles and sacrifices on our part. This is a part of saintliness. When we work, it is but natural that some hurdles are also there. Gradually they diminish. There are good people everywhere hankering for HIM. If we do service, success will surely dawn.”