Imperience - Centre for Research and Training in P.A.M

Pujya Babuji Maharaj Birthday Celebrations 2006 Talks - Yielding by M.Surya Prakash



Pranams to our rev guide sri K.C.Narayana garu and to all my co travelers on the path, on this auspicious birthday celebrations of our beloved Master Pujya Babuji the topic I would like to share with you all is about the basic attitude one should adopt to begin our sadhana and it being the foremost attitude which should end up into a habit to allow us to accept that we are abhyasis of the system. We are all aware that to achieve the end we have to strengthen the means and here the means advocated by our Master is to yield to the system, the method as he advocated or the yielding attitude which is basic to begin with, it appealed to me and i am convinced it is the foundation on which the rest of our spiritual structure is build upon.

What is yielding means?

  • It has different meanings to different people and we shall confine to two levels ie physical and spiritual
  • Yielding has many meanings like obedient, submissive, amenable, and compliant and so on.
  • If we cull the above synonyms it ends with the attitude of giving up or resigning with oneself.
  • Opposite of yielding is to be firm ,stubborn,rigid,adamant and so on so forth
  • Eg: take some water and pour it in a vessel and we find it takes the shape of the vessel and we can repeat the same for different vessels and it takes the shape of that particular vessel, ie water behaves in obedient, submissive, amenable and compliant with the corresponding vessels. Take some stones and place them in the vessels they also occupy the shape but they retain their shape as they are ie they remain firm, rigid etc.
  • In the physical plane we yield to our own desires and wishes eg: if you want to see a particular movie or place unless until you accept or yield you will not fulfill that desire or wish to go to a movie or place. Yielding means succumbing to the problem at hand to get the answer. Its common phenomenon that we yield to our wishes, desires, of our children, wife, friends etc.when it comes to these things the answer lies in yielding or comply to the things demanded, eg: if a child demands a particular toy or to visit a particular place if we resist the same we end up with resentment, bitterness from the child and if we yield to the demand by giving the toy or visiting the particular place to make her happy harmony exists, The same case with the wife, friends and If we observe the solution for any problem lies how best we yield to the problem eg: children’s, wife’s wishes etc sometimes if we go against them we have to expect resentment for the same which we are not prepared for. To satisfy them we yield to their mundane demands and make them happy.
    Yielding means to accept or to be obedient to the means or the way
  • To be good citizens of this land we have to yield or obedient to the laws governing us, to achieve any particular goal we have to yield (obedient) to method prescribed for it. eg: to be a good sportsperson we have to be obedient to the method advised by the coach. Our goal orientation lies in the strengthening the means or the methods, ‘strengthen the means and the goal is obvious’ is the basic law and normally we wish/desire the goal without strengthening the if we want our children to achieve anything worth we have to strengthen the means which leads us to realize the goal. Eg: IIT or engineering seat the methods prescribed by them.
  • When it comes to our spiritual sadhana In what way the attitude of yielding helps us to achieve our goal, and our great Master advised us to yield first to the method advocated by him and to wait for the results as desired by HIM and we have no other way but to be obedient to Him since he is our coach in the field of spirituality. This is all ok but is it so? We yield to our wishes/desires and do as we like and expect the goal as Master wanted. If we deviate even an inch from the method our sadhana will take a back seat and it will take much more time to reach the goal or in the process we may end up not achieving it. Eg: if we want to go to delhi we have to get into that particular train and just sit in it, the train has no other way but to reach delhi, instead if we board the train to Chennai and expect delhi which is our goal do we reach our destination. Our non achievement lies in not accepting the method, advice by the competent in the field and taking our own decisions is the main culprit.
  • If we think upon yielding means submissive to the one who knows
  • Be like a corpse in the hands of a dresser, it is totally in control with the one who is handling it. Eg: if we are go to a doctor for some ailment what should be our attitude for that matter if we are on an operation table what is our condition (half dead) and we are submissive to the one who knows that’s all and nothing less nothing more.
  • If we think upon yielding as amenable to the things around and its common to nature which is yielding to the natural laws.
  • Rivers will not resist us in taking water from, sun keeps on shining giving us light and heat, air is always there for us to breathe, mother earth with all its resources have yielded and they are amenable to us to keep us happy.
  • Eg: when we talk of good yielding of any agriculture products like rice, fruit bearing trees etc we observe they are in a cooperative stance like rice stalks with good yield bend to the side, fruit bearing trees bend slightly reminds us of helping us to pick them without much trouble it’s the service which is natural to nature.
  • Yielding means to be compliant with the superior or the highest who is none other than our Master and to be compliant with his method and system is what we have to do. Is it so? And when the fruit of love, compassion, of our Master bears bountiful fruit we have no other go but to yield to Him.
  • If we simply think upon how many of us are fulfilling this basic attitude required for the sadhana which is the first and foremost step towards the goal or Master as advocated by HIM. Umpteen no of times we have yielded to our wishes, desires discarding our sadhana, our goal, our Master. We resist and do not yield an inch, instead of compliancy we are rigid, Yielding is to give up and we hold on for what? To our mundane desires, to our possessions which have no worth of their own until we impose on them. How prepared are we to give up for the highest, how prepared are we to be with the worthiest ie our Master and how compliant we are with His system and His method to achieve the end.
  • BP Vol 3 Rev KCN Yielding means we accept the superiority of the person or power over us. We have come to spirituality for freedom and the demand to yield appears on the face of it contradictory. But when we find the loci of our self is somewhere we are not able to identify, as it happens in the states of absorbency, it becomes evident that we are not the particular self that we supposed we were and acceptance of the superior power becomes possible. Master in his own ingenious way has taught us the lessons of yielding from the beginning of our sadhana. We were asked to meditate on the divine light without luminosity ignoring all other thoughts as uninvited guests. Having accepted that the divinity is guiding us it is the most positive attitude to wait for it to do what it likes with us, how are we bothered about it eg: Driver and the passengers in a train
    • Yielding is natural when we understand
    • Our smallness when related with our master
    • Non questioning attitude since we resign and submit ourselves to the Masters will.
    • When we realize our helplessness and all our activities cease
    • Accepting the superiority of the person (master) over us.
    • The relation between a true slave(devotee) and master
    • Accepting in toto this is what it is, let his will prevail.
    • Eg: drop and the ocean, we may derive many drops from an ocean but not one ocean from a drop but we can become an ocean by simply yielding to the ocean or merging with it.
    • In what way the attitude called yielding helps us in our sadhana in the pursuit of our goal which we call as one with the Master(commandment no 3).
    • Fix up your goal which should be complete oneness with god (Master).Rest not till the ideal is achieved. Eg: drop and the ocean

Factors affecting yielding
Egoism, self aggrandizement, self importance (name and fame) notions, desires, wishes etc

  • Ego and egoism are the main barriers in the path of spirituality and in particular towards the attitude of yielding, ( BP Vol 3 Rev KCN)since ego is deeply ritualistic and repetitive and a profoundly compulsive need to always see the personal self as being separate from others, separate from the world and separate from the universe. Ego is love denying obsession with heavy load on separation, narcissism and concern for self.
  • Self aggrandizement
  • How can a drop express itself, project itself, in relation with the ocean, the same with us too BP Vol 3 Rev KCN) we have earlier chosen to spend hours, days, years and lives in the process of identifying ourselves with desires and fears- all in the name of ultimately transcending them. We cherish to dwell in the network of desire all the time assuring ourselves that there is time for seeking to be free. That is something never happens (accidents, death) and those who would rather have spirituality as a post-retirement avocation are bound to end up with a cycle of rebirths. IS IT SO? This question is for all of us to think upon and take necessary action.
  • Self importance(Fame and name)
  • Most of us try to hanker or just go to any length for fame and name and bloat our ego forgetting our duty ship and assign ourselves doer ship(actually it is the master who is the doer, knower and enjoyer)so whose name we have to remember?
  • Notions, desires and wishes
  • BP vol 3 Rev KCN Spiritual life has to be an integral part of our general life and it should be hand in glove with the life of an ordinary house holder rich in emotions, feelings, desires and aspirations. Everything in the right place is the way to be spiritual.
  • How to come out of this afflictions
  • Prayer: (reciting the prayer with an yielding and supplicant mood)

Factors which encourage and influence us to yielding

  • When we are beset with discouragements in our daily life it is a good practice to remember the master not as some one who is far off but close to our heart, nay in our heart. We should consciously try to feel the master who does not want anything else from us except happiness/joy. True that our frustrations, afflictions, miseries and diseases are there and that is due to the samskaras that we have acquired in the long journey away from e homeland.
  • (Commandment no 5)Be truthful take miseries as divine blessings for your own good and be thankful. It is necessary to know that our real condition/status is that of devotee. (Just accept them without questioning). All our miseries are nothing but loss or separation that is felt by us of things, persons, and ideas that we thought are our own exclusively. This identification or owning of things and persons is the main illusion and in fact we really own nothing and we are only trustees and all belongs to him and therefore relinquishing all we should enjoy and be happy. This approach to the problems enables us to acquire one of the noblest spiritual qualities called as fortitude. Fortitude and forbearance cannot be cultivated that easily without the awareness of the true nature of ourselves as essentially void/nothingness (insignificant).These attitudes are the basics of the quality of yielding to the divine will.
  • In the sixth commandment our master exhorts us, to know all people as our brethren and treat them as such. The fraternity that we are asked to develop is again based on the requirement of not claiming everything that we see and feel as our own but share it with others in a spirit of fraternity. There is an inseparable bond among all beings and things and that is most important to understand and live up to. Once this is understood the attitude of yielding that is required in realizing our essential oneness with all is gained automatically.
  • In the seventh commandment master asks us be not revengeful for the wrongs done by others asks us to accept them with gratitude as heavenly gifts. In reality there is nothing wrong that is done by any to another. But certain acts appear to be wrong done to the person by another because of two essential factors, one is to think oneself as independent and another is granting independent status to the other person who is said to have wronged him. Pruning is no wrong done by the gardener to the plant and in fact it is necessary for growth. The acts done by others are treated as wrongs because of a purely personal egotistic approach where there is a basic refusal to know the other as part of oneself.seperation is an illusion. It is necessary that we implement the commandment in full before we can say that we are yielding to the divine.
  • To sum it all feel the unconditional love, compassion without boundaries, true sakha who is always near at all times , any word loses its meaning to express our beloved Master and we answer in our silence, feel, feel, feel until you just sink into him forgetting your self.
  • Feel how insignificant we are when we remember Him(remember his voice “this insignificant being is seeking fellow pilgrims” if master himself is insignificant where do we stand, do we deserve to receive all his attention, love, compassion to receive all this, no doubt our heart grows heavy with his unconditional bountiful love towards the fellow beings ( remember we are the tiny drop with all the qualities of the ocean(who is our master) in the pursuit we have to become insignificant to the process of our sadhana day in and day out and in the process people should remember only our master by seeing us and it remind of commandment (9) Mould your living so as rouse a feeling of love and piety in others, then one does not remember anything and we have no other way but to yield to him and just be ONE with the Master which is our goal. Yielding is an attitude and after proper cultivation in the form of a habit in the long process it becomes our second nature, which leads us to achieve our Goal or Master and to enjoy the fruit we have begin with the first basic step first ie yielding.